Sunday, April 6, 2008

Privacy? Hah, right!

Unlike approximately 95 percent of the people I know, I have a land-line as well as a cell phone. I like to have the land-line around as a safety factor, and it also makes it easier to take a work call from home.

I also like my privacy, so I keep my land-line number unpublished. I pay the phone company a set amount each month to make sure it stays unpublished. So why is it that my unpublished, land-line number is showing up on a website called ?

I'm not going to link to that site from this blog, but those of you who know my full name and last name can look that up, and sure enough, you'll see my land-line listed. Which I thought was a private listing.

Thankfully my address isn't on that site. Still, creepy.

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