Sunday, April 6, 2008

back from the dead...

well, sorta, as it's already Sunday afternoon, and must go to work tomorrow.

I spent most of the weekend recovering from a nasty bout of food poisoning. For those of you who have never experienced this, let me just say that you'll know when it happens. Food poisoning is not a minor little bout of nausea. No, it's more like your body knows that something's contaminated it. And it'll next want to spew out those toxins in whichever way it feels to be the most convenient. For hours. And hours. And hours. You know it's finally over when you can manage to eat a spoonful of boiled white rice and go like, "Man, that tastes so good..." And keep that down.

Happily, that's over. An added benefit of me being ill is that I was able to catch up on all of those "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law" episodes saved up in the DVR since like January (who, me, have time to watch TV?). I loved those Hanna-Barbera cartoons when I was a little girl, so to (the now-adult?) me, "Harvey Birdman" is a show of pure genius.

I went shopping today for a new wallet over at Belmar. I am pretty appalled at how expensive wallets are these days, at least cool, stylish ones that aren't going to fall apart on you in about a month. I finally settled on a beige vinyl one with a cartoon character glamour girl on front (from Gimme Gimme Pillow Toast). It was $26 and will probably fall apart in a few months, but it's a nice little store and they did give me a box of free cookies. The wallets over at Composition were somewhat nicer, but I just could not bring myself to drop $68 on the one wallet I liked. That just seemed too excessive. Maybe I'll be lucky and that wallet will go on sale one day.

That $68 wallet, by the way, was one of the cheaper wallets in the store. I blame the current Euro to Dollar exchange rate. It sucks. A euro is now $1.50. I thought it was bad last year when I was over there and it was $1.35.

Other reasons why the exchange rate is painful: I like these shoes. They are $325. They are in my size. Nothing ever comes in my size. Sadly (or happily?) I cannot bring myself to spend what amounts to a decent portion of my monthly rent on footwear. No matter how pretty and yellow and how much of a lifespan I'd get out of them...ok, I guess I should get back to whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing this afternoon (namely, finishing up a short story for class on Thursday).

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