Monday, March 24, 2008

Feeling poorer lately? Here are some reasons why...

Looks like lots of new economic data due out this week, including my favorite, personal spending, according to this article in the Denver Post:

The Commerce Department's personal-spending report scheduled for Friday is apt to be weak, too, but not suggestive of a plunge.

Economists have predicted that spending in February rose by 0.1 percent, incomes rose by 0.3 percent and the core personal-consumption-expenditures deflator, a key gauge of inflation, edged up 0.1 percent...

Muah hah hah. Want to see how much money you really are making? Try plugging in some numbers in this inflation calculator.

I've been making what I've considered a "real person's salary" since 2001. I've noticed as my salary has increased, I'm finding it harder to save for stuff. I've no problem placing the money aside, it just seems to take longer for those big-ticket items. Well, I know why now.

Time to finish up my Fruity Cheerios and get ready for the day. Fruity Cheerios, if you have not heard of them already, are awesome. They have more of an actual, generic "fruit" flavor than Froot Loops. And a bit less sugar, too.

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