Saturday, April 26, 2008

it all should be different now...but is it?

There comes a time when certain behavior just gets...old.

Now, I've tried to make myself the level-headed observer throughout most of my post-adolescent life. I'm the first to admit that I've done my fair share of crazy behavior. Everyone has. There are certain things you just have to get out of your system when you're young.

So yes, I partied a fair bit when I was in my late teens and twenties. I recall Williamsburg loft parties where rats chased each other across the floor. I've escaped random gunfire in Alphabet City. I spent many an evening huddled around a fire pit in the courtyard of an East Village squat, when still there were such things. And yes, hanging around such places, I saw firsthand how insane chemically-crazed people could be. But there was something about that whole behavior when you're young that makes it not really that...annoying. Out-of-place. Whatever.

It must've been around my mid-twenties when I grew tired of all the craziness and decided to grow up bit. So I did. Now, ten plus years on, I still find myself with some friends who just are stuck in that same old early twenties mindset. Like, just drinking and drinking and drinking, and acting progressively more obnoxious along the way.

What else can I say besides...haven't you gotten tired of it by now? I sure have. A long, long time ago.

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